Hama thrips tergolong serangga pengganggu yang berpotensial menimbulkan kerugian pada berbagai macam komoditas hortikultura. Thrips terutama menggasak bagian tunas muda dan bunga. Pengendalian dengan insektisida kini dapat ditingkatkan efektivitasnya dengan menggunakan bawang putih.
Bawang putih bukan cuma salah satu bumbu dapur tetapi juga berperan dalam praktek pertanian organik. Rasanya tidak disukai thrips. Oleh karena itu, di negeri Belanda, bawang putih dikaji untuk pengendalian thrips yang banyak menyerang tanaman bunga di rumah kaca. Sebanyak 2-3 kg serbuk bawang putih dilarutkan dalam 1000 liter larutan pupuk. Rasa bawang terserap oleh tanaman, sehingga thrips kabur dari tempat biasanya atau sekalian di luar rumah kaca mencari tanaman inang lain.
Pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan itu bisa jadi baik bila kombinasikan dengan insektisida. Thrips yang keluar dari tempat persembunyiannya pada tunas dan bunga akan terkena resiko semprotan insektisida. Hal ini ditegaskan oleh Jan Tolsma, peneliti Research Station for Horticulture dan Glasshouse Vegetables di Aalsmer dalam Floraculture. Kendati begitu, dia mengingatkan bawang putih dapat menurunkan efektivitas pengendalian biologis. Pasalnya, menurut pengamatannya di beberapa kebun petani, musuh alami thrips tidak menemukan mangsanya di tempat biasa.
Sumber : TRUBUS – TH XXIX – MEI 1998
Thrips pest insects belonging potentially confounding cause losses in various kinds of horticultural commodities. Thrips mainly tackle the young shoots and flowers. Control with insecticides is now its effectiveness can be improved by using garlic.
Garlic is not only one of the herbs, but also plays a role in organic farming practices. It was not like thrips. Therefore, in the Netherlands garlic studied to control thrips that attack many plants flower in the greenhouse. A total of 2-3 kg of garlic powder was dissolved in 1000 l solution of fertilizer. Onion flavor is absorbed by plants, so that the thrips escape from its usual place outside the house or all the glass looking for another host plant.
Control is an environmentally friendly it can be good when combined with insecticides.Thrips are out of the closet on the buds and flowers will be exposed to the risk of insecticide sprays. This is confirmed by Jan Tolsma, researchers Research Station for Horticulture and Glasshouse vegetables in Aalsmer in Floraculture. Even so, he reminds garlic may decrease the effectiveness of biological control. The reason, according to observations at several farmers' gardens, natural enemies of thrips did not find prey in the usual place.
Source: Trubus - TH XXIX - MAY 1998
Thrips pest insects belonging potentially confounding cause losses in various kinds of horticultural commodities. Thrips mainly tackle the young shoots and flowers. Control with insecticides is now its effectiveness can be improved by using garlic.
Garlic is not only one of the herbs, but also plays a role in organic farming practices. It was not like thrips. Therefore, in the Netherlands garlic studied to control thrips that attack many plants flower in the greenhouse. A total of 2-3 kg of garlic powder was dissolved in 1000 l solution of fertilizer. Onion flavor is absorbed by plants, so that the thrips escape from its usual place outside the house or all the glass looking for another host plant.
Control is an environmentally friendly it can be good when combined with insecticides.Thrips are out of the closet on the buds and flowers will be exposed to the risk of insecticide sprays. This is confirmed by Jan Tolsma, researchers Research Station for Horticulture and Glasshouse vegetables in Aalsmer in Floraculture. Even so, he reminds garlic may decrease the effectiveness of biological control. The reason, according to observations at several farmers' gardens, natural enemies of thrips did not find prey in the usual place.
Source: Trubus - TH XXIX - MAY 1998