Promalin a growth regulator which is made from two chemical components. The first is a mixture of gibberellins GA4 and GA7. Both types of gibberellin occurs naturally in apple seeds, young leaves and buds on roots and shoots that grow actively. In plant growth, both of these substances play a role in cell elongation during the growth of flower buds, and there with other plant hormones in seeds and shoots that are quiet and dormant.
The second component is a 6-benzyladenine, a cytokinin that is naturally found in the buds and shoots actively growing roots, and on young fruit. Cytokinin intensified the division of cells and with other hormones affect the differentiation of cells that determines whether cells will be a leaf, stem, fruit or other parts.
Increase the Number of Fruits and Intensifying Branch
Promalin increase the number of cell divisions at the end of the calyx of fruit, which increase the distinctiveness of the fruit. The most active cell division occurs soon after pollination and gradually decreased until about 28 days after flowering. At that time, men have had about all the necessary cells. Twenty-eight days after flowering, the cells enlarge, add weight and size of fruit. Use promalin gives the best effect if the selected time in the early period of cell division that is now flowering.
This growth regulator may also increase the number of side branches and the development of short branches. But this is only useful for young trees, not to produce and healthy. In addition to causing high growth rates which are necessary to encourage branching, a component of the growth of gibberellin from promalin negate flower buds.So that this technique may not be used for trees that have produced fruit.
Plants that are treated with promalin have larger leaves, up to now unknown benefits of the enlarged leaf.
Other effects commonly associated with the use of promalin flowers that produce fruit.One year after treatment, trees that have been treated with promalin generate little interest to the fruit. Apparently this is caused by an imperfect fruit thinning, spraying a bad calibration, low tree health, and growth is imposed.
Promalin can not work properly in the orchard of flowering in cold temperatures, which naturally produces a small fruit and more rounded.
Promalin should be used carefully with the appropriate dose. If this substance is given at the right time at the stage of cell division, fruit goal should be expected more with the typical form. The best results obtained if application is followed by good management and the selection of the right place too.
Source: Trubus - TH XXIV - JANUARY 1993
Promalin a growth regulator which is made from two chemical components. The first is a mixture of gibberellins GA4 and GA7. Both types of gibberellin occurs naturally in apple seeds, young leaves and buds on roots and shoots that grow actively. In plant growth, both of these substances play a role in cell elongation during the growth of flower buds, and there with other plant hormones in seeds and shoots that are quiet and dormant.
The second component is a 6-benzyladenine, a cytokinin that is naturally found in the buds and shoots actively growing roots, and on young fruit. Cytokinin intensified the division of cells and with other hormones affect the differentiation of cells that determines whether cells will be a leaf, stem, fruit or other parts.
Increase the Number of Fruits and Intensifying Branch
Promalin increase the number of cell divisions at the end of the calyx of fruit, which increase the distinctiveness of the fruit. The most active cell division occurs soon after pollination and gradually decreased until about 28 days after flowering. At that time, men have had about all the necessary cells. Twenty-eight days after flowering, the cells enlarge, add weight and size of fruit. Use promalin gives the best effect if the selected time in the early period of cell division that is now flowering.
This growth regulator may also increase the number of side branches and the development of short branches. But this is only useful for young trees, not to produce and healthy. In addition to causing high growth rates which are necessary to encourage branching, a component of the growth of gibberellin from promalin negate flower buds.So that this technique may not be used for trees that have produced fruit.
Plants that are treated with promalin have larger leaves, up to now unknown benefits of the enlarged leaf.
Other effects commonly associated with the use of promalin flowers that produce fruit.One year after treatment, trees that have been treated with promalin generate little interest to the fruit. Apparently this is caused by an imperfect fruit thinning, spraying a bad calibration, low tree health, and growth is imposed.
Promalin can not work properly in the orchard of flowering in cold temperatures, which naturally produces a small fruit and more rounded.
Promalin should be used carefully with the appropriate dose. If this substance is given at the right time at the stage of cell division, fruit goal should be expected more with the typical form. The best results obtained if application is followed by good management and the selection of the right place too.
Source: Trubus - TH XXIV - JANUARY 1993
Promalin merupakan zat pengatur tumbuh yang dibuat dari dua komponen kimiawi. Yang pertama adalah campuran giberelin GA4 dan GA7. Kedua jenis giberelin ini terjadi secara alami pada bibit apel, daun muda serta pada akar dan pucuk tunas yang tumbuh aktif. Dalam pertumbuhan tanaman, kedua zat tersebut berperan pada pemanjangan sel saat pertumbuhan kuncup bunga, dan ada bersama hormon-hormon tanaman lainnya pada bibit dan pucuk yang sedang diam dan dorman.
Komponen kedua adalah 6-benzyladenine, yakni cytokinin yang secara alami ditemukan pada tunas dan pucuk akar yang tumbuh aktif, serta pada buah muda. Cytokinin menggiatkan pembagian sel dan bersama hormon-hormon lainnya mempengaruhi diferensiasi sel yang menentukan apakah sel-sel akan menjadi daun, batang, buah atau bagian lainnya.
Meningkatkan Jumlah Buah dan Memperbanyak Cabang
Promalin meningkatkan jumlah pembelahan sel pada ujung kelopak buah, yang menambah kekhasan bentuk buah. Pembelahan sel paling aktif terjadi segera setelah penyerbukan dan berangsur-angsur menurun sampai sekitar 28 hari setelah berbunga. Pada saat itu, buahnya kira-kira telah mempunyai semua sel yang diperlukan. Dua puluh delapan hari setelah berbunga, sel-sel membesar, menambah bobot dan besarnya buah. Pemakaian promalin memberikan efek terbaik jika dipilih waktu pada awal masa pembelahan sel yakni saat berbunga.
Zat pengatur tumbuh ini juga dapat meningkatkan jumlah cabang samping dan perkembangan cabang pendek. Tetapi ini hanya bermanfaat untuk pohon yang muda, belum menghasilkan dan sehat. Selain menyebabkan kecepatan tumbuh yang tinggi yang memang diperlukan untuk menggiatkan percabangan, salah satu komponen giberelin dari promalin meniadakan tumbuhnya kuncup bunga. Sehingga teknik ini tidak boleh digunakan untuk pohon yang telah menghasilkan buah.
Tanaman yang diperlakukan dengan promalin memiliki daun lebih besar, hingga saat ini belum diketahui manfaat dari daun yang membesar tersebut.
Efek lain penggunaan promalin umumnya berkaitan dengan bunga yang menghasilkan buah. Setahun setelah perlakuan, pohon yang telah diperlakukan dengan promalin menghasilkan sedikit bunga yang menjadi buah. Ternyata hal ini disebabkan oleh penjarangan buah yang tidak sempurna, kalibrasi penyemprotan yang buruk, pohon yang rendah kesehatannya, dan pertumbuhan yang dipaksakan.
Promalin tidak dapat bekerja dengan baik di kebun buah yang berbunga pada suhu dingin, yang secara alami menghasilkan buah kecil dan lebih bulat.
Promalin harus digunakan secara hati-hati dengan dosis yang tepat. Jika zat ini diberikan pada waktu yang tepat pada tahap pembelahan sel, dapat diharapkan hasi buah yang lebih banyak dengan bentuk yang khas. Hasil terbaik diperoleh jika aplikasinya diikuti dengan manajemen yang baik serta pemilihan tempat yang tepat pula.
Sumber : TRUBUS - TH XXIV – JANUARI 1993