Anggrek / Orchid
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Suku anggrek-anggrekan atau Orchidaceae merupakan satu suku tumbuhan berbunga dengan anggota jenis terbanyak. Jenis-jenisnya tersebar luas dari daerah tropika basah hingga wilayah sirkumpolar, meskipun sebagian besar anggotanya ditemukan di daerah tropika. Kebanyakan anggota suku ini hidup sebagai epifit, terutama yang
berasal dari daerah tropika. Anggrek di daerah beriklim sedang biasanya hidup di tanah dan membentuk umbi sebagai cara beradaptasi terhadap musim dingin. Organ-organnya yang cenderung tebal dan "berdaging" (sukulen) membuatnya tahan menghadapi tekanan ketersediaan air. Anggrek epifit dapat hidup dari embun dan udara lembab.Sumber : Wikipedia
Interest-anggrekan or Orchidaceae orchid is a member of the tribeof flowering plants with most species. Your options are widespreadfrom tropical wet regions to circumpolar region, although most members are found in tropical regions. Most members of this tribelive as epiphytes, especially those from tropical regions. Orchids in temperate climates usually live in soil and form a tuber as a way ofadapting to winter. Organs that tend to thick and "fleshy"(succulent) makes it stand the pressure of water availability.Epiphytic orchids can live from moisture and humid air.
Source: Wikipedia
Interest-anggrekan or Orchidaceae orchid is a member of the tribeof flowering plants with most species. Your options are widespreadfrom tropical wet regions to circumpolar region, although most members are found in tropical regions. Most members of this tribelive as epiphytes, especially those from tropical regions. Orchids in temperate climates usually live in soil and form a tuber as a way ofadapting to winter. Organs that tend to thick and "fleshy"(succulent) makes it stand the pressure of water availability.Epiphytic orchids can live from moisture and humid air.
Source: Wikipedia